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6 More Postpartum Wellness Tips, Cos You Deserve It All & More!

I’m not gonna lie, there will be plenty of PP tips on this blog. I feel the need to fill in the gaps that society has left wide open. There simply isn’t enough focus on maternal wellness post bebé and it’s infuriating.

I spent so much of my birthworking career focussing on prenatal care. I started to make the shift to postpartum centred services after realizing that even as a birthworker, I myself wasn’t leaning in to my postpartum recovery enough. As women we tend to pride ourselves on how much we can push through, we’re not good mothers or wives if we don’t. And for women of colour… It’s been ingrained in our DNA for generations (psst-slavery). We literally have been taught to believe we are undeserving of nurture, rest, slow-living, gentleness, support, HELP!

When I was pregnant with my firstborn, still married to my ex, I was bearing the end of the pregnancy and we having dinner with my in-laws. They asked if we were ready for the birth of Colibrí. I said yes, I talked about the birthing pool being set up (my home birth was deemed reckless, of course) and as part of my birth prep I mentioned interviewing some house keepers. My father-in-law put down his fork and said, “HOUSEKEEPER? What do you mean housekeeper? You don’t need that, you should be able to handle your house and new baby on your own.” My mother in law nodding in agreement, my husband just kept eating his food, once he had swallowed he said, “Yeah she wants a doula too! I told her she could doula herself, isn’t that what she does? Plus we have midwives anyway.” They all snickered a bit and continued eating.

This kind of isolation, gaslighting and expectation is not uncommon for pregnant women and it’s sickening.

So like I said, from me, expect hella postpartum tips. This is my purpose, so let’s get into it:

1. Food and Supplementation

Eat right! That means EAT. WHAT. FEELS. GOOD!!! You are NOT trying to lose weight gained right now. Bottom line—You are eating to heal




And to support your body-feeding journey if that’s part of your plan.

What foods should be eliminated?


To be very honest there isn’t that much evidence that eliminating foods while breastfeeding is of that much benefit. In fact after a long discussion with a LC she stated the benefits of introducing bebé to certain foods through the breast early on, outweighs the risks. And you don’t need the added pressure, rules and restrictions.

In my opinion P.R.R (pressure, rules, restrictions) create higher risks for PPD symptoms.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not supporting an all deep fried meal plan. Remember to eat in moderation and eat with balance. And aim to include:

-anti-inflammatory foods to support tissue repair and lower the risk of postpartum depression and inflammation of breast tissue to minimize the occurrence of mastitis in the milk ducts. Fresh, colourful vegetables; fruits; lean proteins; healthy fats; and probiotic-rich foods are excellent choices for an anti-inflammatory postpartum eating.

-Make sure you’re getting enough vital nutrients you need plenty of fibre, vitamin B’s and D’s, calcium, iron and fatty acids

2. Hormonal Balance

Your hormone levels fluctuate significantly during the postpartum period. This has a major impact of your overall well-being and emotional regulation. Increase your protein intake. Protein is the Warren G to your hormones, it a regulator. Make sure to get enough fibre as well. You release excess estrogen through bowel movements. So make sure you’re pooping regularly. There ain’t no shame in a little laxative and stool softener cocktail.

In my opinion– do what you gotta do to make a poo

3. Physical Recovery

Childbirth is a physically exhausting. You’ll need plenty of time to recover and that’s ok!  In order to make that happen in the most productive way is to give your body  adequate nutrition to repair tissues, replenish nutrient stores, and regain strength and engage in light, gradual activity and stretching.

Staying hydrated is essential for overall well-being and milk production if you are breastfeeding. Aim to drink at least 10 to 15 glasses of water per day and include hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables in your meals.

-get one of those big big sippy cups, insulated! (Can’t find one? Hit me up, I got you boo!) And fill’er up. Add fruit, herbs, flowers and teas to spice things up a bit and drink drink drink.

rule of thumb: when bebé drinks, you drink too mamí

5. Listen to Your Body & Practice Self-Care

Ask for and accept help. We’ve been taught (especially as women, especially- especially BIPoC women) that selfishness is bad or impolite. Well I rebuke that faux pas. Prioritizing self-care activities that nourish your body and mind are 1000% your right.

-Pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues. It’s important to nourish your body while your body is nourishing someone else’s.

-Your postpartum journey is your opportunity to reconnect with your primal instincts, trust your body. She knows what she needs, honour her.

-When you feel ready, opt for gentle, holistic practices. Book a womb and body massage (hola! It’s me, your womb massage bestie), osteopathy session, engage in gentle yin yoga and other such exercises.

6. Postpartum Team

Seek support from a postpartum wellness provider and your healthcare practitioner. Include your birth partner as a member of your postpartum team.

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